The Agony of Websocket Connection Failing on Deployed Azure Web App: Causes, Fixes, and Strategies
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The Agony of Websocket Connection Failing on Deployed Azure Web App: Causes, Fixes, and Strategies

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Are you thrilled to deploy your Azure web app, only to find that your WebSocket connection fails miserably? Join the club! You’re not alone in this frustrating experience. In this article, we’ll delve into the common causes, straightforward fixes, and expert strategies to get your WebSocket connection up and running smoothly on your deployed Azure web app.

Why Does WebSocket Connection Fail on Deployed Azure Web App?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore the possible reasons behind this issue:

  • Inadequate WebSocket Configuration: Misconfigured WebSocket settings can lead to connection failures. Verifying your WebSocket configuration is essential to ensure seamless communication.
  • Azure Web App Scaling Issues: When your web app scales, WebSocket connections might not be maintained, causing disconnections and failures.
  • Load Balancer Interference: Load balancers can interfere with WebSocket connections, especially if they’re not configured to support WebSockets.
  • Network Connectivity Issues: Network connectivity problems, such as firewall restrictions or poor internet connectivity, can prevent WebSocket connections from establishing.
  • Browser Limitations: Some browsers have limitations or restrictions on WebSocket connections, which can lead to failures.

Troubleshooting and Fixing WebSocket Connection Issues

Now that we’ve identified the common causes, let’s move on to the solutions:

1. Verify WebSocket Configuration

Double-check your WebSocket configuration to ensure it’s correct and complete:

    <add name="ws"/>

Make sure to include the above configuration in your `web.config` file.

2. Configure Azure Web App to Support WebSocket

In the Azure portal, navigate to your web app’s configuration and enable WebSocket support:

  • Go to Azure Portal > Web Apps > Your Web App > Configuration > WebSocket
  • Toggle the WebSocket switch to “On”

3. Handle WebSocket Connection Disconnections

To handle disconnections, implement a reconnection mechanism in your application:

function reconnect() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    connection = new WebSocket('wss://');
    connection.onopen = function() {
      console.log('WebSocket connection established');
  }, 5000); // retry connection after 5 seconds

connection.onerror = function(error) {
  console.log('WebSocket connection error:', error);

4. Optimize Load Balancer Configuration

Configure your load balancer to support WebSocket connections:

Load Balancer Type Configuration
Azure Load Balancer Enable TCP or UDP protocol and configure the load balancer rules to allow WebSocket traffic.
Application Gateway Configure the application gateway to use WebSocket protocol and enable WebSocket support.

5. Ensure Network Connectivity

Verify that your network connectivity is stable and allows WebSocket connections:

  • Check firewall configurations to ensure WebSocket traffic is not blocked.
  • Verify that your internet connection is stable and reliable.

6. Browser-Specific Workarounds

If you’re experiencing WebSocket connection issues in specific browsers, try these workarounds:

Browser Workaround
Google Chrome Use the `wss` protocol instead of `ws` for secure connections.
Microsoft Edge Disable the “Enable experimental WebSocket implementation” flag in Edge settings.

Advanced Strategies for WebSocket Connection Success

To ensure WebSocket connection stability and reliability, consider implementing these advanced strategies:

1. Implement WebSocket Connection Pooling

Use connection pooling to maintain a pool of WebSocket connections and reuse existing connections:

const WebSocketPool = require('websocket-pool');

const pool = new WebSocketPool('wss://', {
  maxConnections: 10,
  timeout: 5000,

pool ConnectionReady(() => {
  console.log('WebSocket connection pool ready');

pool.on('error', (error) => {
  console.error('WebSocket connection pool error:', error);

2. Leverage Azure SignalR Service

Azure SignalR Service provides a scalable and reliable WebSocket solution:

const azureSignalR = require('@azure/signalr');

const signalRConnection = new azureSignalR.HubConnectionBuilder()

signalRConnection.on('connectionEstablished', () => {
  console.log('Azure SignalR connection established');

signalRConnection.on('connectionClosed', () => {
  console.log('Azure SignalR connection closed');

3. Monitor and Analyze WebSocket Connection Metrics

Use Azure Monitoring and logging to track WebSocket connection metrics and identify issues:

const azureMonitor = require('azure-monitor');

const websocketMetrics = azureMonitor.getMetrics({
  metricNames: ['WebSocketConnections', 'WebSocketConnectionFailures'],
  resourceUri: '',


By following these troubleshooting steps and implementing advanced strategies, you’ll be well on your way to resolving WebSocket connection issues on your deployed Azure web app.


WebSocket connection failures on deployed Azure web apps can be frustrating, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can overcome these challenges. Remember to verify WebSocket configuration, configure Azure web app and load balancer settings, ensure network connectivity, and implement browser-specific workarounds. Additionally, consider advanced strategies like connection pooling, Azure SignalR Service, and monitoring WebSocket connection metrics to ensure stable and reliable WebSocket connections. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Stuck with a WebSocket connection that’s failing on your deployed Azure web app? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why is my WebSocket connection failing on Azure?

One common reason for WebSocket connection failures on Azure is that the WebSocket protocol is not enabled in your Azure Web App’s configuration. Make sure to enable WebSockets in the Azure portal by going to your Web App’s settings, clicking on “Configuration” and then toggling “WebSockets” to “On”.

Is there a limit to the number of WebSocket connections on Azure?

Yes, there is a limit to the number of WebSocket connections on Azure. The number of connections depends on the pricing tier you’re on. For example, on the Free tier, you can have up to 5 WebSocket connections, while on the Standard tier, you can have up to 1,000 connections. Make sure to check your pricing tier’s limits to ensure you’re not exceeding them.

How do I troubleshoot WebSocket connection issues on Azure?

To troubleshoot WebSocket connection issues on Azure, you can use tools like Azure App Service’s built-in logging and diagnostics features. You can also use third-party tools like WebSocket debugging tools or browser developer tools to inspect WebSocket traffic and identify issues.

Can I use WebSocket connections with Azure API Management?

No, WebSocket connections are not supported with Azure API Management. API Management is designed for HTTP-based APIs and does not support WebSocket protocol. If you need to use WebSockets, you’ll need to implement them directly in your Azure Web App.

Is WebSocket connection closing expected behavior on Azure?

Yes, WebSocket connections may close unexpectedly on Azure due to various reasons such as idle timeouts, App Service restarts, or network issues. This is expected behavior, and your application should be designed to handle WebSocket connection closures and reconnections.

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