How to Give Tolerance Value in Robot Framework: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Give Tolerance Value in Robot Framework: A Step-by-Step Guide

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When it comes to test automation, precision is key. But what happens when your test environment is not as precise as you need it to be? That’s where tolerance values come in! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Robot Framework and explore how to give tolerance values that will make your tests more robust and reliable.

What are Tolerance Values?

In test automation, tolerance values refer to the allowed margin of error between the expected and actual results. In other words, it’s the amount of “wiggle room” you give your test to account for minor deviations from the expected outcome. This is especially useful when working with data that may fluctuate slightly, such as timings or pixel-perfect GUI interactions.

Why Do We Need Tolerance Values?

Tolerance values are essential in test automation because they help to:

  • Reduce false positives: By allowing for a small margin of error, you can avoid flagging tests as failed due to minor deviations that don’t affect the overall functionality.
  • Increase test reliability: Tolerance values help to make your tests more robust and less prone to intermittent failures.
  • Simplify test maintenance: By accounting for minor fluctuations, you can reduce the number of test failures and subsequent debugging efforts.

How to Give Tolerance Values in Robot Framework

Now that we’ve covered the what and why of tolerance values, let’s dive into the how! In Robot Framework, you can give tolerance values using the following methods:

Method 1: Using the `Should Be` Keyword

The `Should Be` keyword is one of the most commonly used keywords in Robot Framework. To add a tolerance value, you can use the following syntax:

${result}  should be  ${expected}  +/-  ${tolerance}

Here’s an example:

${response_time}  should be  500  +/-  50

This test will pass if the response time is between 450 and 550 milliseconds.

Method 2: Using the `Should Be Within` Keyword

The `Should Be Within` keyword is similar to the `Should Be` keyword, but it allows you to specify a range of values instead of a single value.

${result}  should be within  ${min}  to  ${max}

Here’s an example:

${response_time}  should be within  450  to  550

This test will pass if the response time is between 450 and 550 milliseconds.

Method 3: Using Custom Keywords

If you need more advanced tolerance value handling, you can create custom keywords using Robot Framework’s built-in `Evaluate` keyword.

*** Keywords ***
Custom Should Be Within
    [Arguments]  ${result}  ${expected}  ${tolerance}
    ${actual} =  Evaluate  abs(${result} - ${expected})
    Should Be True  ${actual} <= ${tolerance}

This custom keyword calculates the absolute difference between the result and the expected value and checks if it's within the specified tolerance.

Best Practices for Using Tolerance Values

When working with tolerance values, it's essential to follow best practices to ensure your tests remain robust and reliable:

1. Keep Tolerance Values Reasonable

Avoid setting tolerance values that are too high or too low, as this can lead to false positives or false negatives.

2. Consider the Context

The tolerance value you choose will depend on the specific test scenario and the type of data being tested. For example, a tolerance value of 50 milliseconds might be suitable for response time tests, but not for pixel-perfect GUI interactions.

3. Document Your Tolerance Values

Make sure to document your tolerance values and the reasoning behind them. This will help other team members understand the test logic and make it easier to maintain the tests over time.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When working with tolerance values, it's easy to fall into common pitfalls that can affect test reliability. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Pitfall Description
Setting tolerance values too high This can lead to false positives and mask underlying issues.
Setting tolerance values too low This can lead to false negatives and over-flagging of minor issues.
Not considering the context Failing to consider the specific test scenario and data type can lead to inaccurate tolerance values.
Not documenting tolerance values Failing to document tolerance values can make it difficult for other team members to understand the test logic and maintain the tests.


In conclusion, giving tolerance values in Robot Framework is a crucial aspect of test automation. By following the methods and best practices outlined in this article, you can create more robust and reliable tests that account for minor deviations and fluctuations. Remember to document your tolerance values and consider the context of each test scenario to ensure your tests remain accurate and effective.

So, the next time you're writing a test in Robot Framework, don't forget to give those tolerance values some love! Your tests (and your team) will thank you.

Frequently Asked Question

Want to give tolerance value in Robot Framework but not sure how? Worry not, we've got you covered!

What is tolerance value in Robot Framework and why do I need it?

Tolerance value in Robot Framework is the allowed deviation from the expected result. It's essential when you're working with numerical data, as it helps you account for minor variations in the result. By setting a tolerance value, you can ensure that your test doesn't fail due to insignificant discrepancies.

How do I give a tolerance value in Robot Framework?

You can give a tolerance value in Robot Framework by using the `tolerance` argument in your keyword. For example, `Should Be Equal As Numbers ${result} 10 0.5` , where `0.5` is the tolerance value.

What happens if I don't specify a tolerance value?

If you don't specify a tolerance value, Robot Framework will use an exact match. This means that even the slightest variation in the result will cause your test to fail. So, it's essential to specify a tolerance value when working with numerical data to avoid unnecessary test failures.

Can I specify a tolerance value for non-numerical data?

No, tolerance values are only applicable for numerical data. If you're working with non-numerical data, such as strings, you can use the `Should Contain` or `Should Match` keywords to verify the result.

How do I decide the tolerance value for my test?

The tolerance value depends on the specific requirements of your test and the allowed margin of error. You can consult with your development team or domain experts to determine a suitable tolerance value for your test.

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