How can both ECS services, using the same Docker image but running in different containers, share the same Docker volume?
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How can both ECS services, using the same Docker image but running in different containers, share the same Docker volume?

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Are you stuck trying to figure out how to share a Docker volume between two ECS services running the same Docker image but in different containers? Well, worry no more! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Docker volumes and explore the ways to achieve this seemingly complex task. So, buckle up and let’s dive in!

Understanding Docker Volumes

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand what Docker volumes are and how they work. Docker volumes are directory trees that are stored outside of the container’s union file system, allowing data to persist even after the container is deleted or recreated.

There are two types of Docker volumes:

  • Bound Volumes: Also known as “bind mounts,” these volumes are directories on the host machine that are mounted into the container.
  • Named Volumes: These are volumes that are managed by Docker and can be reused across multiple containers.

The Problem: Sharing Volumes between ECS Services

When running multiple ECS services using the same Docker image but in different containers, sharing a Docker volume between them can be a challenge. By default, each container gets its own isolated filesystem, making it difficult to share data between containers.

However, there are a few approaches to overcome this limitation. In this article, we’ll explore two methods to share a Docker volume between ECS services.

Method 1: UsingNamed Volumes with ECS

One approach to share a Docker volume is by using named volumes with ECS. Named volumes are volumes that are managed by Docker and can be reused across multiple containers.

To share a named volume between ECS services, follow these steps:

  1. Create a named volume using the Docker CLI command: docker volume create my-shared-volume
  2. In your ECS task definition, add a volumeMount pointing to the named volume:
    "containerDefinitions": [
    "name": "my-container",
    "image": "my-image",
    "volumesFrom": [
    "sourceContainer": "my-shared-volume"
  3. In each ECS service, reference the same named volume in the task definition:
    "service": {
    "name": "my-service",
    "taskDefinition": "my-task-definition",
    "volumes": [
    "name": "my-shared-volume",
    "host": {}

By following these steps, both ECS services will share the same named volume, allowing them to access and share data.

Method 2: Using Bind Mounts with ECS

Another approach to share a Docker volume is by using bind mounts with ECS. Bind mounts allow you to mount a directory from the host machine into the container.

To share a bind mount between ECS services, follow these steps:

  1. Create a directory on the host machine that will serve as the shared volume: mkdir /shared-volume
  2. In your ECS task definition, add a volumeMount pointing to the bind mount:
    "containerDefinitions": [
    "name": "my-container",
    "image": "my-image",
    "volumesFrom": [
    "host": {
    "sourcePath": "/shared-volume",
    "containerPath": "/shared-volume"
  3. In each ECS service, reference the same bind mount in the task definition:
    "service": {
    "name": "my-service",
    "taskDefinition": "my-task-definition",
    "volumes": [
    "name": "my-shared-volume",
    "host": {
    "sourcePath": "/shared-volume",
    "containerPath": "/shared-volume"

By following these steps, both ECS services will share the same bind mount, allowing them to access and share data.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Each Method

Both named volumes and bind mounts have their benefits and drawbacks. Here’s a summary:

Method Benefits Drawbacks
  • Easier to manage and reuse across multiple containers
  • Allows for more flexibility in terms of volume configuration
  • Requires Docker 17.06 or later
  • Can be more complicated to set up
Bind Mounts
  • Simpler to set up and easier to understand
  • Works with older Docker versions
  • Less flexibility in terms of volume configuration
  • Requires careful management of host machine directories


In conclusion, sharing a Docker volume between ECS services using the same Docker image but running in different containers is possible using either named volumes or bind mounts. Both methods have their benefits and drawbacks, and the choice ultimately depends on your specific use case and requirements.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to share a Docker volume between ECS services and enable data sharing and persistence across containers. Happy containerizing!

Note: This article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a comprehensive guide. Make sure to test and validate the solutions in a production environment before deploying to production.

keywords: Docker, ECS, Volumes, Named Volumes, Bind Mounts, Containerization, Persistence, Data Sharing

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “How can both ECS services, using the same Docker image but running in different containers, share the same Docker volume?”

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on sharing Docker volumes between ECS services running in different containers!

Can I share a Docker volume between ECS services running in different containers?

You bet! ECS services can share a Docker volume by specifying the same volume name and mount point in their respective task definitions. This way, both services can access the same volume, even though they’re running in different containers.

Does the Docker volume need to be created beforehand for ECS services to share it?

Not necessarily! When you specify a volume in an ECS task definition, the volume will be created automatically if it doesn’t already exist. However, if you want to use an existing volume, you can create it beforehand using the Docker `volume create` command or the AWS CLI.

How do I specify the same Docker volume for multiple ECS services?

Easy peasy! In your ECS task definitions, specify the same volume name and mount point for each service. For example, you can use the `volume` parameter in your task definition to specify the volume name and mount point, like this: `{ “name”: “my-volume”, “mountPoints”: [ { “containerPath”: “/app/data”, “sourceVolume”: “my-volume” } ] }`.

Will changes made by one ECS service to the shared volume be visible to the other service?

Absolutely! Since both ECS services are using the same Docker volume, any changes made by one service will be immediately visible to the other service. This is because the volume is shared across containers, allowing them to access the same file system.

Are there any limitations or considerations when sharing a Docker volume between ECS services?

Yes, there are a few things to keep in mind! For example, you’ll need to ensure that your services aren’t writing to the same file simultaneously, as this can lead to data corruption. Additionally, if one service is relying on the other service to write data to the volume, you’ll need to consider the order in which your services are started and stopped.