Why Use Two Arrays of Insertion_Time and Lowest_Insert_Time in Tarjan’s Algorithm for Bridges in Graph?
Image by Armida - hkhazo.biz.id

Why Use Two Arrays of Insertion_Time and Lowest_Insert_Time in Tarjan’s Algorithm for Bridges in Graph?

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Tarjan’s algorithm is a popular graph traversal algorithm used to find strongly connected components, bridges, and articulation points in a graph. One of the essential components of this algorithm is the use of two arrays: insertion_time and lowest_insert_time. But why do we need two separate arrays? In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of graph theory and explore the reasons behind using these two arrays.

The Problem: Finding Bridges in a Graph

A bridge in a graph is an edge that, when removed, increases the number of connected components. Finding bridges is crucial in various applications, such as network topology analysis, social network analysis, and computer network design. However, identifying bridges in a graph can be challenging, especially in large and complex graphs.

Introducing Tarjan’s Algorithm

Tarjan’s algorithm is a depth-first search (DFS) based algorithm that finds strongly connected components, bridges, and articulation points in a graph. The algorithm works by traversing the graph in a DFS manner, keeping track of the discovery time and low value for each node.

The Two Arrays: Insertion_Time and Lowest_Insert_Time

Now, let’s talk about the two arrays that are central to Tarjan’s algorithm: insertion_time and lowest_insert_time.

Insertion_Time Array

The insertion_time array keeps track of the discovery time for each node in the graph. When a node is visited for the first time, its index in the array is set to the current time. This array is essential for determining the order in which nodes were visited.

insertion_time = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

// After visiting node 1
insertion_time = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

// After visiting node 2
insertion_time = [1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

// ...

Lowest_Insert_Time Array

The lowest_insert_time array keeps track of the lowest discovery time reachable from each node. This array is crucial for identifying bridges in the graph.

lowest_insert_time = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

// After visiting node 1
lowest_insert_time = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

// After visiting node 2
lowest_insert_time = [1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

// ...

Why Two Separate Arrays?

Now that we have introduced the two arrays, let’s explore why we need two separate arrays instead of using a single array.

The main reason is that the insertion_time array is used to determine the order in which nodes were visited, whereas the lowest_insert_time array is used to identify bridges in the graph. These two arrays serve different purposes, and using a single array would compromise the accuracy of the algorithm.

Another reason is that the lowest_insert_time array is updated recursively during the DFS traversal, whereas the insertion_time array is updated iteratively. Using a single array would make it difficult to maintain the correct values for both the discovery time and the lowest discovery time reachable from each node.

How Tarjan’s Algorithm Uses the Two Arrays

Now that we have understood the purpose of the two arrays, let’s see how Tarjan’s algorithm uses them to find bridges in a graph.

The algorithm works as follows:

  1. Initialize the insertion_time and lowest_insert_time arrays.
  2. Perform a DFS traversal of the graph, visiting each node and updating the insertion_time and lowest_insert_time arrays accordingly.
  3. For each node, calculate the low value, which is the minimum of the current node’s low value and the low value of its children.
  4. If the low value of a node is greater than its parent’s low value, then the edge between the node and its parent is a bridge.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until all nodes have been visited.

The following code snippet illustrates the use of the two arrays in Tarjan’s algorithm:

void tarjan_alg(int node, int parent, int& time, vector<int> graph[], vector<int>& insertion_time, vector<int>& lowest_insert_time, vector<bool>& visited) {
  visited[node] = true;
  insertion_time[node] = time;
  lowest_insert_time[node] = time;

  for (int child : graph[node]) {
    if (!visited[child]) {
      tarjan_alg(child, node, time, graph, insertion_time, lowest_insert_time, visited);
      lowest_insert_time[node] = min(lowest_insert_time[node], lowest_insert_time[child]);
    } else if (child != parent) {
      lowest_insert_time[node] = min(lowest_insert_time[node], insertion_time[child]);

  if (lowest_insert_time[node] > insertion_time[parent]) {
    // Edge between node and parent is a bridge


In conclusion, the use of two separate arrays, insertion_time and lowest_insert_time, is crucial in Tarjan’s algorithm for finding bridges in a graph. These arrays serve different purposes and are updated differently during the DFS traversal. By using two separate arrays, we can accurately identify bridges in the graph and solve various graph theory problems.

We hope this article has provided a clear and comprehensive explanation of the importance of using two arrays in Tarjan’s algorithm. If you have any further questions or need clarification on any of the concepts, feel free to ask in the comments below.

Array Purpose Updated During DFS
Insertion_Time Keeps track of discovery time for each node Iteratively
Lowest_Insert_Time Keeps track of lowest discovery time reachable from each node Recursively

By understanding the importance of using two arrays in Tarjan’s algorithm, you can improve your skills in graph theory and develop more efficient algorithms for solving complex graph problems.

Common Questions

Q: Why can’t we use a single array to store both the discovery time and lowest discovery time reachable from each node?
A: Using a single array would compromise the accuracy of the algorithm, as the discovery time and lowest discovery time serve different purposes and are updated differently during the DFS traversal.

Q: How does the lowest_insert_time array help in identifying bridges in the graph?
A: The lowest_insert_time array helps in identifying bridges by keeping track of the lowest discovery time reachable from each node. If the low value of a node is greater than its parent’s low value, then the edge between the node and its parent is a bridge.

Q: What is the time complexity of Tarjan’s algorithm?
A: The time complexity of Tarjan’s algorithm is O(|V| + |E|), where |V| is the number of vertices and |E| is the number of edges in the graph.

Further Reading

We hope this article has provided a comprehensive explanation of the importance of using two arrays in Tarjan’s algorithm for finding bridges in a graph. If you have any further questions or need clarification on any of the concepts, feel free to ask in the comments below.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dig into the world of Tarjan’s algorithm for bridges in graphs! You’ve got questions, and we’ve got the answers.

Why do we need two separate arrays for insertion_time and lowest_insert_time in Tarjan’s algorithm?

We need two arrays because they serve different purposes. The insertion_time array keeps track of when each node was first visited, while the lowest_insert_time array stores the lowest insertion time reachable from each node. This distinction is crucial for identifying bridges, as we need to differentiate between nodes that are part of the same strongly connected component and those that are not.

Can’t we just use a single array to store both the insertion time and the lowest insertion time?

While it might seem like we could use a single array, doing so would lose valuable information. The insertion_time array provides a unique timestamp for each node, whereas the lowest_insert_time array is used to update the lowest reachable timestamp for each node. Merging these two purposes into a single array would lead to incorrect results and make it difficult to identify bridges accurately.

What would happen if we didn’t update the lowest_insert_time array correctly?

Failure to update the lowest_insert_time array correctly would result in incorrect bridge detection. Without accurately tracking the lowest reachable timestamp for each node, we might mistakenly identify nodes as part of a bridge when they’re not, or vice versa. This would lead to incorrect results and a flawed understanding of the graph’s structure.

How do the insertion_time and lowest_insert_time arrays help us identify bridges in Tarjan’s algorithm?

By comparing the insertion_time and lowest_insert_time values for each node, we can determine if an edge is a bridge or not. If the lowest_insert_time of a node is greater than the insertion_time of its parent node, then the edge between them is a bridge. This is because there is no alternative path from the parent node to the child node with a lower timestamp, making the edge a bridge.

Are there any optimizations we can make to the insertion_time and lowest_insert_time arrays in Tarjan’s algorithm?

One optimization is to use a single counter for insertion_time and increment it whenever we visit a new node. This eliminates the need to store the entire insertion_time array, reducing memory usage. Additionally, we can use a recursive function to update the lowest_insert_time array, making the code more efficient and easier to understand.