Rails 7.1 Turbo Stream Not Working on Localhost but Works on Heroku? Let’s Fix It!
Image by Armida - hkhazo.biz.id

Rails 7.1 Turbo Stream Not Working on Localhost but Works on Heroku? Let’s Fix It!

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If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re frustrated because your Rails 7.1 Turbo Stream is not working on localhost, but magically comes to life when deployed to Heroku. You’re not alone! Many developers have faced this issue, and I’m here to guide you through the troubleshooting process.

What is Turbo Stream?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly cover what Turbo Stream is. Turbo Stream is a feature in Rails 7 that allows you to send and receive updates to the user’s browser in real-time, without requiring a full page reload. It’s a game-changer for building fast and responsive web applications. However, when it doesn’t work as expected, it can be a real headache!

The Mysterious Case of the Non-Working Turbo Stream

So, you’ve written the code, following the official Rails documentation, and everything looks perfect. You fire up your local server, but Turbo Stream refuses to work. You try again, and again, and again, but nothing happens. You’re left wondering, “What am I doing wrong?”

Fear not, my friend! Let’s take a step back and investigate the possible causes of this issue.

Cause #1: Incorrect Configuration

One of the most common reasons Turbo Stream doesn’t work on localhost is due to incorrect configuration. Make sure you’ve added the following line to your `config/environments/development.rb` file:

configWebpackDevServer.hot_module_replacement = true

This line enables hot module replacement, which is required for Turbo Stream to work properly.

Cause #2: Missing Turbo Dependency

Double-check that you’ve added the Turbo gem to your Gemfile:

gem ' turbo-rails'

Run `bundle install` to ensure the gem is installed.

Cause #3: Incompatible Versions

Rails 7.1 and Turbo Stream require specific versions of other dependencies to work together harmoniously. Verify that your `package.json` file includes the correct versions:

"@hotwired/turbo-rails": "^7.1.0-1",
"@hotwired/stimulus": "^3.0.0-1",

Cause #4: Incorrect Stimulus Configuration

Stimulus is a JavaScript framework that works hand-in-hand with Turbo Stream. Ensure you’ve configured Stimulus correctly in your `application.js` file:

import { Application } from '@hotwired/stimulus';

const application = Application.start();

import Turbo from '@hotwired/turbo';



These lines initialize Stimulus and Turbo, allowing them to work together.

Troubleshooting Steps

Now that we’ve covered the common causes, let’s go through a step-by-step troubleshooting process:

  1. Check your Rails version: Make sure you’re running Rails 7.1. You can check your version by running `rails -v` in your terminal.

  2. Verify your Turbo Stream configuration: Review your `config/initializers/turbo.rb` file to ensure it’s correctly configured.

  3. Check your JavaScript console: Open your browser’s developer tools and inspect the JavaScript console for any errors related to Turbo Stream.

  4. Inspect your network requests: Use your browser’s developer tools to inspect the network requests made when you trigger a Turbo Stream update. Look for any errors or unexpected behavior.

  5. Try a different browser: Sometimes, browser-specific issues can cause Turbo Stream to malfunction. Try switching to a different browser to see if the issue persists.

  6. Disable turbo_stream in development: Temporarily disable turbo_stream in your `config/environments/development.rb` file to see if the issue is related to Turbo Stream:

    config.turbo_stream.enabled = false
  7. Check your Heroku config: If you’re using Heroku, verify that your `config/environments/production.rb` file is correctly configured for Turbo Stream.


Turbo Stream not working on localhost but working on Heroku can be a frustrating issue, but by following these troubleshooting steps and checking for common causes, you should be able to resolve the problem. Remember to double-check your configuration, Stimulus setup, and JavaScript console for any errors. If you’re still stuck, feel free to reach out to the Rails community for further assistance.

Cause Solution
Incorrect configuration Enable hot module replacement in development.rb
Missing Turbo dependency Add turbo-rails gem to Gemfile and run bundle install
Incompatible versions Verify correct versions of @hotwired/turbo-rails and @hotwired/stimulus in package.json
Incorrect Stimulus configuration Configure Stimulus correctly in application.js

I hope this article has helped you resolve the issue and get your Turbo Stream up and running on localhost. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you having trouble with Rails 7.1 Turbo streams not working on localhost, but mysteriously coming to life when deployed to Heroku? We’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions that might just save your sanity:

Q: Is Turbo streams supposed to work on localhost?

A: Absolutely! Turbo streams should work like a charm on localhost. If it’s not, then something’s amiss.

Q: What’s the most common reason for Turbo streams not working on localhost?

A: The culprit is often a misconfigured `turbo.js` file or an outdated version of Turbo. Make sure you’ve got the latest version installed and that your `turbo.js` file is configured correctly!

Q: Can I use the Turbo development server with Webpack Dev Server?

A: Ah, nope! Turbo’s development server and Webpack Dev Server can clash. Try using the `rack-dev-marketing` gem instead to get around this issue.

Q: Are there any issues with Turbo streams and localhost ports?

A: Yep! Turbo streams can get confused when using non-standard ports on localhost. Try using the default port 3000 or configure Turbo to work with your custom port.

Q: Should I try restarting my server or clearing my browser cache?

A: Oh, you bet! Sometimes, a simple server restart or cache clear can work wonders. Give it a shot before diving deeper into the troubleshooting trenches!